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- #SWEduActs is a monthly peer support drop-in group for social work educators interested in developing their anti-racist pedagogy!
#SWEduActs is a monthly peer support drop-in group for social work educators interested in developing their anti-racist pedagogy!
#SWEduActs is a loosely-affiliated open group of social work educators in the United States & Canada who are united in our wish and effort to engage together in anti-racist practice.
Our current work focuses on creating supportive, peer support spaces for social work educators to improve their practice around teaching about race, racism, anti-racist practice, Whiteness, privilege, oppression and the like. Interested in learning about anti-racist teaching approaches? Want peer support? Need a consistent structure to stay true to your anti-racist practice? #SWEduActs helps social work educators take action to address racism and intersecting oppressions in social work education. Our next event is on 10/27 at 4 p.m. EST/1 p.m. PDT - you can register for that here:
Generally, we meet on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 4 p.m. EST. We use a different zoom link each month for registration, and you can find that link here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Our October 2021 session is about: Thinking intersectionally as anti-racist social work educators. Discussion questions we may explore on that day include:
--Our students’ experiences do not stop at their racial and ethnic identities, nor do ours! We need to be mindful of taking an intersectional perspective in our anti-racist practice. What are some of the ways we can do this?
--What are some of the ways that ableism and racism intersect when we enforce laptop bans in our classrooms? (Here's an intersectional essay on laptop bans!)
In our sessions, #SWEduActs folks talk a lot about managing difficult dialogues in social work classrooms – in fact here is a tip sheet on that topic!
For our resources on anti-racist pedagogy, click here!
You can also read our thoughts about how to use data as reflective anti-racist teacher here!
You can sign up for our email listserv here: https://groups.io/g/sweduacts
You can check us out on Twitter using our hashtag: #SWEduActs
Questions? Contact Elspeth Slayter at eslayter@salemstate.edu
We look forward to seeing you soon!
--The #SWEduActs convening team is:
Lauri Goldkind, Fordham U.
Jennifer Parga, U. Southern California
Pat Shelley, U. Buffalo
Elspeth Slayter, Salem State U.