Career Options for Social Work PhDs: Infographic and Career Planning Template
Do you mentor doctoral students or chair a doctoral prograrm? I developed these tools in preparation for taking on the role of chair of our social work school's PhD program. I will use the infographic to have an initial discussion with doctoral students about the job options out there for them. Many "don't know what they don't know"--I certainly didn't at that stage. The career planning template can help students refine their understanding of potential career choices, and devise a plan for ensuring that needed skills, knowledge, connections, and self-promotion strategies are in place prior to their job search phase.
If you use this or just have thoughts about it, I'd love your feedback and suggestions.
Date Originally Posted
Sun, 07/15/2018 - 09:53
Last Revised Date
Sun, 01/30/2022 - 10:06
Social Work
Keywords / Tags
PhD Careers
Professional Development
Type of resource
Resource Institution
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Institution Type
4 or 4+ year College/University